
Grapefruit, sleep, and sugar withdrawal

My new weightloss trick involves smelling grapefruit and sleeping more.  So far I am making progress: I hit the snooze button 12 times this morning and have two grapefruits in the fridge.  Now to just get the grapefruits out.  If I eat one for a snack that should do double duty today! Need to make up for the panera chocolate chip bagel I ate for lunch.

I made it almost a week with no sugar and trying to convince myself the bagel today doesn't count!  I really don't want to suffer through sugar withdrawal again. Day 1 of no sugar was awful. I felt weak, dizzy, and out of it...My knees actually felt weak!

2/3 Exercise plan

Research has shown that people are conditioned to see things as having a beginning, middle, and an end.  Due to this perception of events, there is also a tendency in humans to become fatigued when one is 2/3 of the way through a task.  Basically, if you have to do 90 push-ups, you will feel tired at 60, but if you have to do 30 push-ups you will start to feel tired at 20. Considering this natural psychological tendency, aim to do more than you really need to do.  For me, that means heading to the treadmill with the plan to burn 700 calories, but being ok and on track if I stop at 466...which is 2/3.  I would probably make it to 500 since I like nice round numbers.  I have thought of applying the 2/3 rule to eating.  If I take my time eating and make a huge production of it, hopefully I will get bored with the whole production before I finish and leave a 1/3 for later.  Going to try it out for a bit and will report back.  Now that the junk is gone from the kitchen, it's time to get on track.

All or Nothing

Most weight loss advice suggests moderation as a means of maintaining long-term weight loss and preventing crashing.  I have to say that this has never ever worked for me.  If I sit in front of food I will eat it. If there is junk food in the house I will eat it.  I can't have any candy or icecream around. One serving is never enough.  The only way I have lost weight is to quit sugar altogether.  In one month or no sugar combined with daily exercise I dropped 7 pounds!  After a day of irritation due to sugar withdrawal I managed to get used to not having sugar.  I thought giving up sugar in my coffee would be tough, but it has been the easiest change to adjust to.  I lasted one month without sugar and now I no longer want to eat it as I know how sluggish it can make me feel.  I also know that the guilt of overconsumption is not pleasant either!

Antique rugs

I love the antique rugs at the Doris Leslie Blau Gallery. I am truly in awe of this ancient art form. 

I think this Persian Tabriz is my favorite that is currently in their collection.

Losing weight

I love the postings on this site! I thought this one was appropriate for the season. I never knew the importance of limiting variety to cut portion sizes! I guess it makes complete sense. I always eat more than I should at receptions, banquets, and buffets. Maybe this month I will just stick to red and green foods and parties and see what happens!

Creative problem solving

"Tracing the Spark of Creative Problem-Solving" by Benedict Carey

Great article that is popular on the NY Times today. Wish he discussed how sleep helps with problem solving. Apparently Mendeleyev's sleep helped him figure out how to organize the periodic table of elements.

Given that positive thinking and comedy promotes problem solving, maybe corporations will start having comedy hour at noon...Wouldn't that be great?!